SEPAC Meeting 9/25/15

Please join us for our first meeting of the new school year on Friday, 9/25/15 at 9:15am in the Headmaster’s Conference Room at DSMS. We will discuss the new Special Education Team Chair organizational structure along with our plans for the 2015-16 school year.

Residents of Dover and Sherborn and the parents or guardians of students who attend our schools are welcome to participate in our meetings and attend our events. Meetings occur regularly and are posted on the district calendar. Agendas & meeting locations are emailed to SEPAC members in advance of each meeting.

Supporting the Emotional Needs of Kids with Learning Disabilities

Rachel Ehmke
Senior Writer

Child Mind Institute

When kids are diagnosed with a learning disability we naturally worry about how it will affect their school performance. What we often don’t think about, but should, is how having a learning disability may affect children emotionally. Signs your child might be struggling with low self-esteem, anxiety, or depresssion and how to help.

Understanding Executive Function Issues & Classroom Accommodations

Amanda Morin
Parent Advocate & Former Teacher

Executive function is like the CEO of the brain. It’s in charge of making sure things get done from the planning stages of the job to the final deadline. When kids have issues with executive functioning, any task that requires planning, organization, memory, time management and flexible thinking becomes a challenge. The more you know about the challenges, the better you’ll be able to help your child build their executive skills and manage the difficulties. Read More

Executive functioning issues can make learning difficult. Fortunately, there are classroom accommodations that can help students stay on top of their work. Read More

Upcoming Meetings

Our final meeting of the school year will take place on 6/5 at 9:00am in the Headmaster’s Conference Room at DSMS. Residents of Dover and Sherborn and the parents or guardians of students who attend our schools are welcome to participate in our meetings. If you wish to be added to our member distribution list, please contact us.